8 pull up? Thursday, September 28, 2006 The results for Ippt on thurs... 8 pull up 36 sit up 10.0 shuttle run 225 SBJ 10.00 for 2.4km hmm... silver standard? dunno la juz got 1 day off n hopefully the 100 bucks too... shall train hard to achieve my pull ups again... quite satisfied wif my running... but hope to break 9:45... Cleared most of the requirement for army liao... 73 days to ORD... Asics Gel Speedster Sunday, September 24, 2006 ![]() Yeah Finally Bought a pair of running shoe... It is in my fav blue, and not so easily dirty colour... Cost me 126 bucks... which is quite ex but i think it will be worth every cent i paid. Hope i can enjoy running more wif this shoes... Australia Friday, September 22, 2006 Haven been to australia for 2 time i think, but seems quite long ago liao. This time gg over not as holiday but acty as exercise troops... guess it is a totally diff kind of feeling... Heard frm my frens the toilet there soe time got frog inside one and a lot of scopions will come n slp next to the engine one... Guess this is the different experience tt we will get frm this trip... acty quite looking forward to it... Today we were told tt we can come back earlier on 7th dec on a different commerical flight frm the rest. I relli wondered y CSM acty wanted to push us to come back so early... like tt it only like eat up our R&R n nth else... not like come back got anything to do like tt... Anyway was forced to go home to get the passport, which is expired. totally din make sense to me in any way... guess the army system is juz dumb n inefficient... 78 days to ORD... IPPT Thursday, September 14, 2006 I wonder if i can relli pass my IPPT... SOC over lo Saturday, September 09, 2006 Took SOC once again on thurs, Has been 4 mths since i last took one... Felt preety gd this week after quite a bit of trng n was pretty ready phsically for the test. Ran the course and had difficulty in low rope which i struggled once again, but nonetheless completed it in so called 8:37... All thanks to the relevant authorities... At least i noe tt i only improved a little... But guess i do not need to worry so much over SOC again n can conc on IPPT liao, Quite happy in this sense... Hope the same happens for my ippt.... Comex 2006 Sunday, September 03, 2006 Was reading the digital life during guard duty when i decided to check out the techno fair. Met up wif Zao Hiong(thanks for accompanying me), at Tampines Mrt. Was expecting many pple to go to this fair, but we din relli expect so many pple to be there. Dun say the fair, even the Mrt was choked to the brim sia... Long time nv see so many pple taking mrt tog le.. Nvm, the fair was in Expo hall 4 to 6. Can say tt the fair was pretty big, but was a bit messy. Was looking for a web cam for Liang sheng but cant seem to find it(sorry), My sis was looking for i pod shuffle, which was juz a bit cheaper, And i was looking for Digi Cam. Zao Hiong n I was basically wandering arnd cuz we dun noe our way arnd, and was trying to locate the webcam. we considered techno idiots bah i guess. We oso finally understand how tired the ladies are after a round of shopping, after walking arnd for 2+ hrs. But can say tt the 2+ hrs of looking arnd isnt quite productive other than my cam, as we are not quite prepared for this fair... Guess this kind of tech fair are for the High tech pple, next time muz have guides then can go visit such stuff bah... Casio Exlim Z600 ![]() This is my New DigiCam Frm Comex 2006. Casio exlim Z600, was so called on offer at 499 bucks. It is a 6.0 Megapixel cam, which was pretty arnd my budget. Actually was looking for the z60 which was recommended in digital life on tues. but it is juz 50 bucks more for more batt life i guess it was alrite. Was thinking whether this cam is too thick compared to the Z-60 one, but in the end guess there wasnt muz difference. Quite happy wif this buy, hope tt i can capture lotsa of Beautiful memories wif it... FTT over ![]() FTT over lo... but with quite a big scare--> Went out early to try to go SSDC mug one... then upon reaching, wanna take out 11B, then realised took it out when gg for SOC on fri... Doom big big liao, without 11B cannot take test, decided to ask the lady at the office, kenna rejected immediately. Was panicking liao by then, one moment was think tt i be able to push FTT by 2 weeks, one moment later mabbe end up even later then can take the test... Lucky this is weekend n my sis was arnd. Asked her rushed down to bring my passport. The wait was like eternity... Was pacing around, waiting anxiously for the passport to arrive... soon the Test began liao, so i juz try to hun into the rm la but kenna zam by the cheif tester, hu chased me out of the room. Another guy oso din bring 11B oso kenna sent out... The other guy was pleading for a chance to go in for the test...looked pitiful. So i din go n try to beg my way in. As min n sec passed, the others have begun their exam n i still unable to get in. i Muz have checked my watch 100 times during tt time sia. Luckily my sis relli rushed down so i managed to get in for the test by which aome pple already finished wif their liao. The test is pretty easy compared to BTT(mabbe becuz i got mug this time). Mabbe practice relli make perfect after all... Nonetheless this time both the pple beside me failed their FTT, relli wondered if i m a jinx..y pple sit beside me always fail one... Nvm, hope tt i can get an instructor n start class real soon... |
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